Hercules leads the ragged remains of his God Squad into desperate battle with the unimaginably powerful Skrull pantheon -- and if they lose, Earth dies!
Hercules kills the Skrull's God. Not much else needs to be said. It even showed the events in Secret Invasion that came about because of this killing, namely, as soon as Kly'bn died, it was announced that Reed Richards was freed and, basically, all of their plans went to hell because of it. Good job, Herc. You saved Earth and are responsible for stopping the invasion and won't even appear in that story. Read Full Review
One other thing: the Skrull Book of Worlds, their Bible, is as inconstant as they are. Forget Reed Richards escaping the Skrulls"if you really want to experience the true turning point of the Secret Invasion, imagine if Billy Graham or Rick Warren opened the Good Book one morning and the only words inside were, “YOU'RE WRONG.” Read Full Review
Business as usual for Incredible Hercules, the lovable underdog. Probably not hugely important to the overarching Secret Invasion storyline, but to focus on that misses the point and overlooks a fun, engaging superhero read. Read Full Review
While Kly'bn claims that Hercules is, "so flawed. So in need of what I can give you," I beg to differ. This title has consistently offered the readers a solid adventure and found ways to pepper those adventures with mythology and action. Hercules as a character may indeed be flawed, but that, to me, is what makes this book "" and especially this storyline "" worth reading. Read Full Review