Incredible Hercules #137

Writer: Fred Van Lente Artist: Rodney Buchemi Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: October 28, 2009 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 1
8.0Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

The face-off Herc fans have been clamoring for since his series began is here at last! God of Strength versus God of Thunder! Adamantine mace versus uru hammer! Olympian versus Asgardian! Incredible versus Mighty! That's right -- HERCULES battles THOR! The Odinson discovers the Lion of Olympus has been impersonating him and he's out to prove nothing beats the original! Then, in #137, the epic Secret Origin of Amadeus Cho concludes! He learns his connection with the original MASTER MIND EXCELLO and the identity of who really killed his parents! And once Amadeus knows this, will he look to reunite with Hercules... or destroy him? Rated T …$2 more

  • 9.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Nov 1, 2009

    The Amadeus Cho half of the Incredible Hercules more than carries its weight with the final chapter of the Pythogoras Dupree storyline. Shocking ending that had a lot of emotion considering I don't particularly care for the Cho character and Dupree is relatively new. While both Herc and Cho have proven to be capable on their own, I'm looking forward to seeing them meet up again after their time apart. Great issue. Buy it. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Oct 31, 2009

    Rodney Buchemi really does a good job with the art on this issue, making Amadeus look his age, and giving great depth to the sequence where the boy finally collapses in mourning for his mom and dad. Greg Pak and Fred Van Lente take threads in play from Cho's very first appearance (in Amazing Fantasy Vol. 2 #15, some years ago) and weave them seamlessly into a story that gives depth and meaning to everything that has happened in this book since World War Hulk. With two dueling arcs, Incredible Hercules has seemingly been coming out every forty-five minutes all summer long, but now the main characters must be drawn back together, and Amadeus now has a burden of his own to bear, a mythological labor that even Herc might not have been able to work out. Not everything is spelled out here, which I very much like, and the fate of Little Miss Cho is still up in the air, but overall this three-issue arc has done something amazing for Amadeus Cho: made me like him more. Incredible Hercules #137 Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Oct 27, 2009

    This is a comic book for comic book fans. Each issue of this series has some memorable moments, well-drawn interactions, and strong characterization. Van Lente and Pak have a good thing going here and it looks like it's going to get a little more attention real soon. This issue may not be the greatest jumping-on point of any title, but the writing has made it "incredibly" approachable by providing more than sufficient background on all of the players without stopping the flow of the story in this issue. Read Full Review

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