Incredible Hercules #141
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Incredible Hercules #141

Writer: Fred Van Lente, Greg Pak Artist: Rodney Buchemi Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: February 17, 2010 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 1
8.7Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

"ASSAULT ON NEW OLYMPUS," Finale! IT ALL COMES DOWN TO THIS! The past two years of storylines in Incredible Hercules have been building to one climactic moment, and here it arrives at last! The final showdown between Hercules and Typhon! Amadeus Cho becomes a true hero at last! And just why was Athena so happy at the end of "Sacred Invasion," anyway? All secrets are revealed in what is undoubtedly the most shocking ending of the year! Don't tell the Internet why we had to call this issue "EVERYBODY DIES!" PLUS! A bonus backup story featuring the AGENTS OF ATLAS! Rated T …$3.99

  • 10
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Feb 20, 2010

    This issue is very moving, in a number of ways, we see Hercules accepting his ultimate fate, while Amadeus deals with the sudden responsibility of power, Athena betrays the one she loves, and Aphrodite is forced to realize that she has lost her path. We don't actually see the moment wherein Hercules dies, only a massive explosion, making me wonder what we DON'T know (and making me wonder about the nature of this 'alternate reality' that Continuum creates.) Seeing Amadeus stepping up to the role of Prince of Power is a bittersweet one for me, with my only real comfort coming from the 'Ben Grimm Corollary,' which states, "if ya don't see a body, he ain't fer shure dead." The art of Rodney Buchemi really sells the tragedy, was well, with Athena's expressions as she does what she has to showing all the conflicting emotions that the goddess feels. Well done on Rodney's part, especially given the resemblance of Hercules to the classic Bob Layton version in which I first encountered the Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Feb 20, 2010

    If you haven't been following Herc's stories, you've been missing out on some great comics. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Travis Walecka Feb 23, 2010

    Certainly, I'm not going to sit here and pretend to be the ultimate Hercules connoisseur, as the only trade in my bookcase is the Secret Invasion crossover (although the rest will be purchased at a convention someday), and didn't start picking up this title until this event began. But, thanks to Van Lente, Pak, and Buschemi, the last six months have been a thrilling ride towards Olympus. Let's hope this epically underrated series doesn't falter with Prince of Power. Read Full Review

  • 7.9
    IGN - Kevin Fuller Feb 17, 2010

    Greg Pak and Fred Van Lente should be congratulated for building a unique/entertaining series from scratch and winning over a lot of skeptics (myself included) along the way. This isn't the end of the road though, since the story will continue with Prince of Power, and I have no doubt that the quality will be at the same high standard. Read Full Review

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