Incredible Hulks #616

Writer: Greg Pak Artist: Barry Kitson Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: November 10, 2010 Critic Reviews: 3
8.3Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

From the day the HULK was born in nuclear fire, he's always insisted he just wants to be left alone. But for the past three years, Bruce Banner has taken the opposite path, forging deep new bonds and building a super-powered family of Incredible Hulks. Now the abiding wisdom or terrible folly of that course of action will be revealed as the Green Goliath leads the Incredible Hulks in ... (each)

  • 9.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Nov 14, 2010

    So there's one issue to go, and it's tough to see how the creative team is going to wrap this up in a single issue. But I'm anxious to see 'em try! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Mat 'Inferiorego' Elfring Nov 10, 2010

    I'm loving the overall story arc, and I can't wait to read it in its entirety in the next few weeks when part six comes out. Greg Pak's run on Hulk has been fun and he's introduced a lot of characters that I'm sure we'll see around for years. This is not the place to start reading though; however, these issues are coming out twice a month, so you should be able to find the rest of the story at your local shop. Finally, this book is back on track and a great read once again. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Kevin Fuller Nov 11, 2010

    Barry Kitson teams with Scott Hanna on art this issue, which Kitson doing the breakdowns and Hanna the finishes. They work very well together, with the actions scenes being very well constructed. The only complaint I have is that Hulk being a little too stocky/squished than normal. The backup feature continues the trend of being mostly forgettable, especially since the main theme involving Jen Walters was better expressed in the main story itself. While it hasn't been perfect, Greg Pak has built a solid story that looks to be building towards a fantastic final chapter. Hopefully Pak can use the momentum to make his next arc great, from beginning to end. Read Full Review

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