Iron Man #59

Writer: Mike Grell Artist: Mike Grell Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Sep 19, 2002

    I love the idea that Tony's got himself a functioning time machine, and sending him back to the age when armored knights roamed the land sounds like a promising setting for an Iron Man adventure. However, Mike Grell has Tony acting like a big dope in this issue, as the second he learns that his time machine works he's all set to fire it up and journey into the past without even waiting for the helmet to arrive so he could run tests on it, to see if there was any unforeseen effects on his armor. There's also sections of this issue where it feels like Mike Grell is racing some unseen deadline to have the story at a certain stage before this issue ends, as the story kind of jerks forward, which makes for a rather awkward reading experience. Still, I'm always been fond of the medieval setting, and it's one that's worked for the character in the past, so there's no reason why it shouldn't work again. Next issue should give provide a better indication of how strong this arc will be. Read Full Review

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