Iron Man #64

Writer: Mike Grell Artist: Alan Davis Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: February 26, 2003 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 4
7.0Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

It's Thor vs Iron Man! The Thunder God vs the Armored Avenger! Will Captain America choose a side? And what part does Dr. Doom play in it all?

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Jan 18, 2003

    The reactionary point of view of the United States best displayed by Presidolt George W. Bush just itchin' to go after, though not personally, the ornery galloot who attempted to kill his pa nicely gets a good shield between the eyes, and Alan Davis produces his finest work since The Nail. Mind you, he still needs to be forced into the leatherboy gear of Killraven and, with a cheesy rubber monster, beaten into unconsciousness for committing that particular crime against humanity. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Jan 21, 2003

    Mike Grell pretty much picks up the story thread that was introduced in the opening chapter, and after spending half the issue reiterating the basic themes of the material, he use the second half of the issue to deliver the big showdown between Iron Man & Thor. Now truth be told Mike Grell did give this issue a nice standalone quality, as if one hadn't read the opening chapter, this issue does a solid job of getting the readers up to speed, though it does seem like Thor is clearly meant to be in the wrong, which undercuts the indecision that Dan Jurgens had done such a nice job of developing over in Thor. Still, the issue does a solid job setting up the situation, and the battle itself operates at such a high a level that one can't help but be a little impressed by the sheer visceral experience of it all. I do hope that this Asgardian powered armor doesn't survive past this adventure though, as it makes Iron Man far too powerful. Read Full Review

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