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Killraven #1

Writer: Alan Davis Artist: Alan Davis Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 2
4.0Critic Rating
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  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Oct 20, 2002

    Considering I entered this issue expecting nothing more than a showcase for Alan Davis' beautiful art, I was nicely surprised by a fairly interesting crash course in Killraven's corner of the Marvel Universe. Now I've read enough comics that the devastated future setting is rather old hat, and Alan Davis doesn't exactly shy away from using the old standbys, like the young child being on hand to witness the murder of his mother, and one it's hard to imagine this miniseries making it to its final issue without Hawk & Killraven ending up at each others throats. Still there's enough elements in this opening issue that caught my interest, from the idea that Killraven & his group are woefully ignorant of what the world was like before the invaders arrived, and the alien menace looks like it has gotten a firm grip in this world, and Killraven's group isn't quite up to the task of freeing their world. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Oct 11, 2002

    In short, one bullet for the hot green chick I do remember from Killraven's adventures in Marvel's ludicrous adaptation of War of the Worlds. I still blame myself. Read Full Review

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