Legion of Monsters #1
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Legion of Monsters #1

Writer: Dennis Hopeless Artist: Juan Doe Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: October 12, 2011 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 4
8.4Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

A monster adventure to scream over! Elsa Bloodstone hates monsters and when the trail of a mysterious serial killer leads to their underground city, Elsa's ready to kick some horrific butt. Morbius the Living Vampire, Werewolf by Night, the Living Mummy and the slithery Manphibian have news for her, though; the monsters are innocent, and the real killer is out there...a creature so terrifying and vicious that even monsters are scared to death! Elsa Bloodstone and the Legion of Monsters are on the case!

  • 9.0
    CHUD - Jeb Delia Oct 21, 2011

    Juan Doe provides the illustrations in a style all his own. His characters are cartoonish but in a hard, angular way, straying far far away from the typically round manga influence that pervades the industry today. There's a quasi-street art design aesthetic but adapted into a clear storytelling sensibility. He's got a great sense of pacing, character design, and comedic timing, and with this one issue has become an instant favorite artist of mine. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Resources - Ryan K. Lindsay Oct 11, 2011

    "Legion of Monsters" is the perfect superheroic monster comic because it's firstly character driven, is full of brilliant high concepts, is extremely gorgeous to look at, and it's ultimately more fun than a horror double bill from Hammer Film Studios. There's a central mystery hinted at here that will tie the narrative together, but for now the draw card is the sparkling dialogue and the dynamic art. This is horror treated right and rinsed through the tongue-in-cheek superheroic lens of the Marvel U. You owe it to yourself to support this book and enjoy the things comics do best. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Oct 14, 2011

    A monster has been eating teenagers in a small English village. The Doctor's not available to stop him, so Elsa Bloodstone intervenes. Meanwhile, crime has erupted in the Legion of Monsters' domain. Could these things be connected? "Myeah, could be." Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    IGN - Poet Mase Oct 12, 2011

    It's tough to find time in life to enjoy even well-crafted frivolity, and $3.99 is a lot of money to spend when you can watch loads of people trying to be funny on TV for free. Juan Doe's artwork is dynamic and interesting, though, and Dennis Hopeless' script is charming. My recommendation is that, if you find a fiver in your pants while doing your laundry, you should try this one out. Read Full Review

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