The Torino crime family continues their hunt for Spider-Man, and now they’re not alone, as the mysterious mutants known as the X-Men are in NYC, stalking down Spider-Man on their own. But… why are the X-Men after Spider-Man, and what can he do to stop them from taking away one of the things he holds most dear? 32 PGS./All Ages $2.99
Ben Dewey's and Terry Pallot's artwork preserves the new, inviting look of Marvel Adventures Spider-Man while keeping the characters hopping, in Spidey's case literally. They do equally well when expressing the characters' often complex emotional states. This is especially true during the Chat/Spidey scenes. Read Full Review
Well, he doesn't know Wolverine and Storm... So this isn't canon for marvel adventures. Okay, now I understand... Marvel wiki was lying to me again!
Not the best issue and the conclusion is so confusing!