Marvel Comics Presents #1
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Marvel Comics Presents #1

Writer: Guggenheim, K. Immonen, Moore, Koslowski, Nelson Artist: Wilkins, S. Immonen, Henry, DiVito, Nelson Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: September 19, 2007 Critic Reviews: 3
6.7Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Inside, you'll find these incredible mysteries: Who is DAMIEN CROSS? Why will his murder shake the very foundations of the Marvel Universe? Why is SPIDER-MAN needed in outer space? Patsy Walker is HELLCAT. But then who's the other HELLCAT? What is the SYSTEM? And what does it mean for the future of super heroes? Extra-sized first issue!

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Oct 1, 2007

    Also interesting is the Weapon Omega story, which reads like the next installment of Oemings abruptly truncated Omega Flight series. Someone seems to realize that theres an unfinished story in Michael Pointer, the mutant who was used by the Collective to kill Alpha Flight. It galls me to have to explain that awful non-story, but I liked Oemings series and in this tale Koslowski tries to build something out of the non-entity that Michael has been ever since Bendis dropped a bomb on him. USAgent is excellently used as a pro disappointed to be in the midst of such amateurs, and Andrea Di Vitos art achieves a lovely Tom Grummet feel, the highest of compliments from me. I cant remember if the last Marvel Comics Presents produced anything lasting (didnt it debut with the original BWS Weapon X story, come to think of it?), but Im willing to stick around for more of this one. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Bryant Frattalone Sep 24, 2007

    Taken together there is just enough quality and difference among all of the stories in this anthology book to make a good start of it. Hopefully Marvel can keep up the quality and not turn this into what it became before. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace Sep 25, 2007

    Ultimately, considering the high price tag and the variable levels of quality, it looks like it's going to be difficult to entice readers to stick with this title. Whilst I might like the idea behind Marvel Comics Presents, the execution isn't everything that I would have hoped for, and there's far too much flab for a format which should be all about conciseness and efficiency. Perhaps my particular expectations are as much to blame as anything else for my disappointment in this first issue, but I can't help but feel that a new anthology title could have been launched more effectively than this. I'll be interested to see if it's the kind of book that the market will stand. Personally, I'm only likely to check out another issue of the book if I'm a particular fan of one the creators involved. Read Full Review

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