THE OTHER tie-in. With great power must come great responsibility...but what comes with great understanding? In the past few months, Peter Parker has traveled to places he never has before. Now the question is, can he go home?
However, my major worry is that the pacing of "The Other" just hasnt allowed for this conclusion to have the necessary time to breathe. Just as the story seems to be getting interesting and actually going somewhere, were left with only one issue to go to provide the major conflict that all of the mystic Spider-Totem threads seem to have been building up to, as well as some resolution to the story as a whole. Frankly, despite Amazing Spider-Mans JMS and Mike Deodato being my favourite current creative team to be working on a Spider-title, I cant see how they can pull this all together in the space of an issue without some element of the story being compromised. Its a shame, because with less emphasis on the drawn out build-up and more attention paid to this freaky finale, we could have seen another mystic Spider-Man story on the same level as the Ezekiel arcs, which were some of the characters strongest of recent years. Sadly, however, this story isnt as well-conceived or wel Read Full Review
If nothing else, "The Udder" has, by matching up writers and artists in a number of varied ways, given us a fascinating insight into many different flavours of dreadfulness, with Pat Lee and Reginal Hudlins collaborations standing out as the worst. Even so, this issue is particularly egregious, even when compared to the rest of their shameful oeuvre. Read Full Review
This issue is almost pointless for the arc and at all... Yeah, it reads nicely, but it doesn't answer any question. Only makes many more. Many.