New Mutants #4

Writer: Nunzio Defilippis, Christina Weir Artist: Keron Grant Publisher: Marvel Comics Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 3
6.0Critic Rating
6.2User Rating

The pulse-pounding first story-arc comes to a climactic close as Legion takes on the whole team. Can Cannonball, Sunspot, Magma and Dani Moonstar defeat a villain with dozens of super-powered multiple personalities? And all the while Karma and Magik are stuck inside Legion’s mind. Part 4 (of 4). Rated T …$2.99

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Sep 12, 2003

    I do have the question the logic of getting off to such a slow start, as while I'm all for character development, and getting to know the cast before throwing them to the wolves, in today's comic market there is something to be said to going after the audience with some razzle-dazzle action, before you lay out the groundwork. Now I know writers will probably respond by saying you have to lay the foundation before you build the house, but offering up four issues of the same plot is not the best way to win over the audience this book needs to survive. This issue is also hurt by its rather weak construction as the book never explains how the mutant haters became aware that David is a mutant, and they are such a generic band of villains that they come across as feeling like a plot device instead of a genuine bit of story telling. I do like David's mutant ability though, and it's great to see the original cast being reassembled. Read Full Review

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