New Thunderbolts #4

Writer: Fabian Nicieza, Kurt Busiek Artist: Tom Grummett Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

Wolverine scours New York City in search of Baron Wolfgang Von Strucker! Is this related to the dynamic debut of the new Sw- ... wait, that's a secret! Here's what we can tell you. The New Thunderbolts are caught in the middle of a HYDRA civil war and one of them is trying to hide complicity in a murder. Another is trying to see Joystick naked. And all of them are keeping their distance from the team's newest member - Radioactive Man! I mean, dude, if the skirt and glowing green skin weren't a bit of a scare, the name sure is...

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Olivia Woodward Jan 16, 2005

    One criticism that gets launched at the Thunderbolts periodically is that it involves obscure B-list, second-rate characters that nobody cares about. Wrong! There are no B-list, second-rate characters; there are only B-list and second-rate writers and readers. Under the attention of a talented creator, any character may be brought to their true potential. It is this aesthetic fidelity that makes the New Thunderbolts such a rare treasure. It is a serious examination of the themes of superheroism that unabashedly embraces the genre conventions and imbues a spark of life into them. I highly recommend this title. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kelvin Green Jan 16, 2005

    (Oh and I miss the title/credits pages. This issue and the last reverted to the awful blank white Marvel house style intro pages, and I much preferred the old-school ones from the first two issues, which were more visually interesting than these badly designed insults to the eyes. I understand that Marvel wants to pretend that their trade collections are cohesive graphic novels, and not, um, trade collections, but Id rather read a book with the occasional integrated credits page than put up with these atrocities of visual design.) Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Jan 16, 2005

    Also interesting: Niciezas way with words, giving a satisfying voice to narration by Purple Guy, running commentary by Swordsman, and the requisite convincing gruffness to Wolverine. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Jan 16, 2005

    King Joe sent the Princesss half-completed Thunderbolts script to Major Tom with a memo: Keep the shower scene. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Jan 28, 2005

    Tom Grummett turns in some lovely work on this title, as he brings a level of detail to the page that can't help but impress, and for the most part he has a good understanding of how to convey the action in an easily understood manner. I mean the abrupt arrival of Wolverine was a bit confusing, and the intensity level could've been higher, as the battle is lacking any close in shots that would've done a better job of conveying the emotions of the combatants. However, there is a lovely sequence where Wolverine is thrown off the building by Baron Strucker that results in a pretty exciting sequence where the new Swordsman is allowed to show off his new toys. There's also some nice work on the scene where the new Swordsman uses his electrified blades to take of a raging Wolverine. I also have to say the cover image does a great job of selling the idea that Wolverine is on hand to do battle with the new Swordsman. Read Full Review

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