New Warriors #2

Writer: Kevin Grevioux Artist: Paco Medina Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 2
7.2Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Are the New Warriors really back? As the NYPD Costumed Division inches closer and closer to the truth and Stark unveils his master plan for dealing with these juvenile upstarts, the ex-mutant formerly known as Wind Dancer actually makes contact. Up from the grave: Night Thrasher!

  • 7.5
    Comic Book Bin - Zak Edwards Jul 13, 2007

    Paco Medinas art is very good except for a few panels that just ruin the issue for me. The panels in question have one of two problems. The first problem is that some of the adult characters, Tony Stark in particular, just look too much like teenagers. The second and more pressing problem is Medinas inability to draw a properly proportioned female. Most of the characters have giant breasts, each considerably larger than the tiny waists of the characters. The comic is not supposed to be a collection of pin-ups, and yet in some places it feels precisely like that. Its unfortunate that Medina ruins his otherwise excellent art with exaggerated features. It takes away from the whole experience. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kevin Powers Jul 6, 2007

    What I find probably the most interesting about this series is that the New Warriors dont necessarily care about how their name has been tarnished by the Stamford incident. They arent here to apologize for what happened, but they have returned to bring an end to registration and prove that heroes dont have to be registered to do the right thing. This series has a lot of potential, and I love the direction. This is an Initiative series that I recommend. Read Full Review

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