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newuniversal #6

Writer: Warren Ellis Artist: Salvador Larroca Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: May 23, 2007 Critic Reviews: 3
7.3Critic Rating
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  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Thom Young May 28, 2007

    The story is a good read as it is, but it will be better as a collected graphic noveland even better if Ellis can avoid too many clichs along the way. Still, its tightly plotted and has good dialogand those aspects in and of themselves are always refreshing to see in a mainstream comic book regardless of what minor flaws might be evident. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Bin - Zak Edwards May 25, 2007

    Salvador Larrocas art is still very fitting for the series as it seems to be heavily set in reality. The obvious photo referencing is actually an effective device for the most part as it allows the audience to see the familiar and therefore extend their disbelief. I still love the fact that he draws real people rather than supermodels and I hope he continues with this great work. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace May 25, 2007

    In some ways, newuniversal seems more suited to the weekly television medium than it does to that of the monthly comic, as the scale of the story that Ellis seems to be attempting to tell is so great that it could take literally years for everything to start coming together with only one 22-page chapter released per month. Compounding this problem is the news that the book will go on hiatus before issue #7 hits the stands, for reasons unknown. Whether it's Ellis or Larocca who is the cause for the delays is irrelevant; either way, it's going to harm a story which is being told as gradually as this one is, and that's a shame, because the quality of the work being accomplished here is well above-par for a superhero comic from the Big Two. Read Full Review

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