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Onslaught Reborn #4

Writer: Jeph Loeb Artist: Rob Liefeld Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1
2.0Critic Rating
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  • 2.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Deeley Aug 6, 2007

    So why am I buying this comic? Why did I continue to buy it when it passed the point of no return in issue #2? Why did I commit to this series before it even launched? Because of Onslaught. I like that villain. I like the idea of a monstrous creature of pure mental energy. Scott Lobdell said he conceived Onslaught to be the kind of cosmic-level threat the X-Men havent faced since the Dark Phoenix. And a being of pure mental energy that can warp reality at its most powerful and possess people at his least? Yeah, thats a real challenge. Especially if the only way to defeat him is if someone dies. Think about it: Marvels non-mutant heroes appeared to die defeating him the first time. (Stupid plan, but thats another story.) If someone else dies at the end of this story, it sets up a scary pattern. Onslaught could be the one villain no one can defeat without dying. And thats the kind of unforgivable, unstoppable, unimaginable evil Id like to see running loose in a comic Read Full Review

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