Peter Parker, Spider-Man #46

Writer: Paul Jenkins Artist: Humberto Ramos Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 4
6.0Critic Rating
8.4User Rating

Featuring the return of the web-slinger's most relentless foe: The Green Goblin!

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Jul 24, 2002

    Spider-Man fans who consider the Green Goblin to be Spider-Man greatest villain are likely to find this issue to be quite enjoyable, as this issue plays upon all the elements that made the Green Goblin into the villain everyone loves to hate. The interaction between the two men is very strong, as we see them confront each other both in & out of costume, and while this issue doesn't pack the same punch as last issue's rather impressive finish, we do get a fairly strong scene where Spider-Man pays a visit to the bedside of Flash Thompson. Now I did find the scene where the Green Goblin was playing with action figures to be a little too obvious in its bid to remind the readers once again of this key moment in the history of this rivalry, but the ensuing battle is a fairly exciting exchange, and the last page offers up a fairly chilling scene as we see Spider-Man come to a fairly major decision regarding how he's going to deal with the Green Goblin. Read Full Review

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