Peter Parker, Spider-Man #51

Writer: Zeb Wells Artist: Francisco Herrera Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 3
6.0Critic Rating
5.8User Rating

Shocker and Hydro-Man are back with a simple plan - rob banks and kill Spider-Man!

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Dec 31, 2002

    An entertaining issue that is almost undone by the artist. This could've been a lighthearted look at the lives of a couple down on their luck super-villains, but the art proves to be too great a distraction that I can't honestly recommend this issue to anyone. Now Zeb Wells continues to prove himself to be a talented writer, and his work gets inside the heads of a pair of super-villains quite nicely, with the conversation between the two in the diner is a great look at two opposing mindsets. The issue also has some fun with a fight between Spider-Man & Stilt-Man, as there's almost a playful quality to this sequence, when the two square off, and we quickly see Stilt-Man has no chance. However, in the end the artist chosen for this story left me completely disillusioned with the material, as the art is a second rate imitation of Humberto Ramos, and given I'm not all that impressed with the original, I'm rather disappointed to see the Spider-editors have managed to unearth a duplicate. Read Full Review

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