Peter Parker, Spider-Man #56

Writer: Zeb Wells Artist: Sam Kieth Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 4
8.0Critic Rating
6.5User Rating

Different versions of the Sandman are emerging all across Jones Beach!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Jun 10, 2003

    A pretty enjoyable, if somewhat offbeat Spider-Man adventure, that has everyone's favorite friendly neighborhood webslinger have another run-in with the increasing bizarre Sandman, whose scattered consciousness has taken to creating multiple version of himself. What more these version have all been inspired by the ramblings of a self help guru, who is dishing up all the standard clichs of his racket, so we encounter Sandman's inner child, and more disturbingly his feminine side. Now, the plot isn't all that deep, and it's more an excuse for Zeb Wells to deliver a series of amusing encounters, but the issue does manage to convey a nice sense of danger as a decidedly hostile version of the Sandman emerges from the sand, and this problem is far enough off the beaten track that I'm quite curious as to how it'll all be resolved. It also doesn't hurt that the art for this two-parter is being provided by Sam Kieth, one of the truly unique artistic talents in the industry. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Ultimate Goblin Sep 1, 2023

    It's... Weird. But for some reason I rather really like it! I think Sam Kieth is definitely not for everyone, but I kinda start to dig his style. For some reason for him works the principle "the worse it is - the better it is". Somehow... It's really dirty and bizarre, but in a good way. He makes all the different Sandmans look unique. And the story is okay. Love to see that Sandman got more development after that Venom incident. I remember I hated this comic when I was a kid, but I'm glad it got better for me. Unlike the previous beach chapter... It's cool to see dark part of Sandman rampaging and the good one to simply sit with Spidey in some cafe... It's not something you see every day.

  • 10
    John Pomoli Jan 2, 2023

  • 5.0
    tonpas1989 May 28, 2020

  • 3.0
    iPodwithnomusic Jan 7, 2019

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