Runaways #30
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Runaways #30

Writer: Joss Whedon Artist: Michael Ryan, Rick Ketchum Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: June 25, 2008 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 2
5.6Critic Rating
10User Rating

DEAD END KIDS PART 6 Can The Runaways escape a super-powered war on the streets of New York?

  • 8.4
    IGN - Daniel Crown Jun 25, 2008

    In the end, Whedon's Runaways was just about everything I expected it to be. It was funny, action-packed and emotional, not unlike his other works, but in many ways better. Between all of the quirky action and witty quips, Whedon managed to gracefully handle a few serious issues pertaining to the process of growing up, which when it comes down to it is what Runaways is all about in the first place. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Michael Colbert Jun 24, 2008

    The inconsistent release schedule made it difficult to get wrapped up in this particular story. Even with the excellent writing and beautiful art, it always seemed to come in as an afterthought in my readings. The time travel plot suffered the most for the inconsistency because there are nuances that get lost when you haven't read the book in 3 months. I'm not hating though. The best way to experience this story would be to go back now and read it straight through or if you're just coming on board (people will hate me for this, but) get the trade. When you do, the well thought out textures and nuance of Whedon's masterful craftsmanship will become readily apparent. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Bin - Zak Edwards Jun 29, 2008

    streets flood and it looks amazing. Where I am not broken up about Whedons departure, Ryans talents will be missed. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Jun 26, 2008

    Go back to Buffy, Whedon, and never touch the Runaways again. PLEASE. Read Full Review

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