• Horror icons THE SOSKA SISTERS make their mighty Marvel debut in a twisted tale of demonic disease! Fortunately for the savaged citizens of the Wasteland, NIGHT NURSE is on duty!
• Audacious AARON ALEXOVICH also enters the hallowed House of Ideas with a superlative story of Doom's PR and Outreach robot extraordinaire, MILL-E: THE MODEL CITIZEN!
Rated T+
In some way, most of the Secret Wars Journals explored the meaning of heroism in situations when the hero can't possibly win–the value of doing the right thing, even when it doesn't save the day. In this issue, our two heroes find out that the universe doesn't end with a bang, or with a whisper, but in a terrible Sisyphean repetition of failure and infection. Mill-E sees her quest not so much as the world's worst advertising gig, but as an effort to connect with people–even a "teensy, weensy" bit. In Linda Carter, we get a hero trying to heal the whole world–starting with herself. Read Full Review