Sentinel #4

Writer: Sean McKeever Artist: UDON, #039, s Vriens, Heilig, Hepburn, Vedder Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
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  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Jul 15, 2003

    On one hand we're four issues into this new series, and this issue marks the first time that the Sentinel has actually gotten up & been capable of independent movement. On the other hand, I also have to credit this book for using these early issues to nicely flesh out not only our lead character, as well as the book's supporting players, but we also get a pretty good sense of how Juston is going to interact with his Sentinel. In fact there's a wonderful little moment in this issue where Juston expresses some concern that now that the Sentinel is able to move about freely, it will simply get up and walk away. This issue also nicely advances the bully subplot, as while this is rather familiar terrain in comics, the final pages of this issue do a nice job of creating a sense that this encounter is going to be a rather serious minded affair. In fact I'm a bit worried that the book might've gone too far, if Alex ends up being seriously injured. There's also a nice bit of interaction with Je Read Full Review

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