Silver Surfer #7

Writer: Steve Englehart Artist: Marshall Rogers Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 0 User Reviews: 1
N/ACritic Rating
8.5User Rating

Kree forces invade the peaceful planet of Zenn-La. Can Surfer, Mantis and Shalla Bal prevent the coming onslaught? Surfer must reconcile his feelings for Mantis, all while striking an agreement with the Kree’s Supreme Intelligence!

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  • 8.5
    TSMack Aug 15, 2024

    (Cover Date: January, 1988)

    Summary: SS destroys two Kree Destructoids who have invaded Zenn-La. SS bids an unemotional farewell to Shalla-Bal. Mantis listens in on the Elders' meeting on Earth. They have 5 of the 6 soul gems needed to destroy Galactus. Mantis is captured, but manages to send out a mental energy beam into space before succumbing to the plants trapping her. SS meets with the Supreme Intelligence on Kree-Lar. The Supremor agrees to leave Zenn-La alone but not Earth. SS is hit by a ray from the sixth soul gem on the Supremor's forehead. The Contemplator, who has come to bargain for the soul gem, watches nearby.

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