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(Cover Date: January, 1988)
HE = 8.0
CM = 7.0
HE Summary: After a training session, Hawkeye tells Mockingbird about his & his brother Barney's early life. He tells her how he met Swordsman & Trick Shot at a carnival. Trick Shot trained him to become a master archer after Swordsman tried to kill him to keep him silent after he stole the carnival's receipts. Trick Shot has Clint accompany him when he murders & robs Marko. Clint shoots Barney who is working with Marko. Clint refuses to go with Trick Shot to take Barney to the hospital. Trick Shot tells Clint that he will kill him later when he becomes more experienced. Hawkeye shows Mockingbird the one-way plane ticket to Paris that he received from Trick Shot.