Spectacular Spider-Man #5

Writer: Paul Jenkins Artist: Humberto Ramos Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 2
6.0Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

Eddie Brock is dying. His cancer has caught up to him and Venom has finally lost his ideal host. As Spidey tries to understand why Eddie has hated him all these years, he's forced to make an ultimate decision…should Spidey save Eddie's life – allowing Venom to live?

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Oct 16, 2003

    Taken by itself this is a pretty solid issue as it manages to give Venom a real reason for wanting to kill Spider-Man, and while I found the final solution to be a bit of a step backwards, I have to say that I am looking forward to the character's return, as this arc has done a pretty fair job of re-igniting the fires of their rivalry. The issue also manages to pretty much establish the bond between Eddie Brock and the suit is now something that neither of them wants anymore, as Eddie views his union with the suit as something that has damned him to Hell, while the suit has no wish to be anchored to a dying man, and this adds a interesting kink to their relationship. However, my enjoyment of this issue is somewhat lessened by the fact that this is the final chapter of what had be a fairly slow moving arc, and it's rather annoying that once this issue manages to take us somewhere interesting, the curtain is already closing. I'd much rather this revelation had been revealed in the openin Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Ultimate Goblin Dec 6, 2021

    Yeah, the conclusion was slightly better and more epic, than everything before, but it's so weird, that Venom told that he will be merged with Eddie forever... In Marvel Knights Spider-Man (two years later) Eddie sold his suit! What the hell...

    And what about this offspring. Did he talk about Toxin? But he was the Carnage's offspring, isn't he?

  • 7.5
    Julhin Mar 7, 2021

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