Spider-Man / Doctor Octopus: Out Of Reach #3

Writer: Colin Mitchell Artist: Derec Aucoin Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
6.0User Rating

Doc Ock has a new teen genius sidekick, Brigham Fontaine, but Brigham is starting to get restless... and tired of Doc stealing all the glory! Meanwhile, Spidey stays busy battling TWO genius villains, and still holds out hope that Brigham can be brought back to the good guy side.

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Jan 29, 2004

    The idea of Doctor Octopus accepting this young genius as his protg is an interesting idea on the surface, and I think I'd be more willing to embrace it if the writer had done a better job of building a relationship between Otto and this young man, as right now the two seem to be little more that competing geniuses, who do little more that get on one another nerves, and Doctor Octopus has never struck me as a character who would put up with such a continued sense of disrespect. Now I will concede that the book does have Otto reacting to the young man's gloating, as he slaps him around a bit with his tentacles, but frankly the book needs to make a greater effort to establish why Otto even bothers to keep the kid around after he's broken into the vault. I mean the excuse that he finds him useful would seem to fly in the face of the character's established personality of believing himself to be the brightest bulb in the box, and as such to accept help from such a young rival could be se Read Full Review

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