Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane #3

Writer: Terry Moore Artist: Craig Rousseau Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: October 8, 2008 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 2
6.2Critic Rating
6.5User Rating

Someone at Midtown High is leading a double life...but it ain't who you'd expect. Can MJ conceal her secret identity from her closest friends, or will her double life be revealed to the entire school!?!?!? (Hint: Her double life will be revealed to the entire school)

  • 8.0
    IGN - Kevin Fuller Oct 8, 2008

    I know this series isn't exactly required reading. It's not even tied to any other Spider-Man continuity. At the same time though, it's an incredibly fun and unique read. Marvel experiments with atypical series like this from time to time, and most fail pretty terribly. It's probably too late to hop on now, but definitely give it a look when/if it comes out as a trade so that it can hopefully live on after this. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Bin - Zak Edwards Oct 16, 2008

    Artist Craig Rousseau may be jarring for those used to the manga style of drawing usually associated with this series, but his pencils work perfectly. His art is expressive and a clear communicator with a focus on articulating the story over a showcase of overly sexualized characters that can ruin other series involving teenagers. I still need to be reminded Mary-Janes best friend, Liz Allen, dyed her hair from blonde. Flash Gordon, Midtown Highs resident hulking jock, also does look almost stereotypically apelike. Spider-Mans very brief action sequence shows off Rousseaus ability to handle both fights and conversations surrounding a lunch table. While some artists obviously excel at one, Rousseau handles both well. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Oct 8, 2008

    A much slower pace than previous issues and very little interaction with Peter, but a solid issue, nonetheless. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Matthew J. Brady Oct 7, 2008

    Rousseau's art probably doesn't help; none of the characters stand out as a memorable design, and his tendency to draw Mary Jane as plain-looking with odd shadows under her eyes doesn't make her stand out as somebody we want to watch live her life. And the other characters don't come off that well either; the long, skinny necks look weird, and at several points, characters seen from the side have strangely-elongated faces and tiny foreheads. Guillem Mari's colors don't help either, often adding ugly, mottled computer-generated backgrounds that are probably supposed to evoke certain emotions, but don't make it past mild repulsion. It's not a very appealing-looking book, and combined with Moore's semi-boring writing, the whole thing comes off as average and pointless. Skip it, I say. Read Full Review

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