Spider-Man: With Great Power #1
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Spider-Man: With Great Power #1

Writer: David Lapham Artist: Tony Harris Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: January 30, 2008 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 1
6.1Critic Rating
6.5User Rating

After the spider-bite…before the great responsibility! Meet Peter Parker, “Midtown High’s only professional wallflower,” a hapless young nerd suddenly gifted with great power…no strings attached! Happy at home with his Aunt May and Uncle Ben, but plagued by the bullies and mean girls of high school, see what Peter does when the bite of a radioactive spider gives him the strength to take the things he wants. Fame? Money? Fast cars? Girls? This dweeb’s up to his pencil neck in 'em! Surely things can’t suddenly be this easy! It’s a side of Spider-Man’s early life you’ve barely glimpsed, written by David Lapham with art by Ton more

  • 8.3
    IGN - Daniel Crown Jan 30, 2008

    While some of you may dismiss this as an unnecessary re-telling, those of you willing to give it a chance should be pleasantly surprised by how "new" the books feels. Just about all of us have the Spider-Man origin memorized by now, yet this story feels appropriately important and relevant to the web-crawler's canon, even if it is out of continuity. And if that's not enticing enough, you could easily pick this one up based on the artwork alone. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Paul Brian McCoy / Dave Wallace Jan 29, 2008

    Whilst I'm intrigued by the concept of this series, and I'm pleased to see Marvel continue to produce projects which examine their flagship characters from slightly different points of view, I'm still not convinced that Spider-Man: With Great Power can provide a workable story. However, on the basis of this first issue, I'll probably stick around to see what the book can come up with, if only for Harris' great visuals. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - J.Montes Feb 2, 2008

    The biggest insult is that this book is $3.99! Who decides this stuff?! I'm sorry, despite the gorgeous art, I can't recommend this book. We've read this story too many times. It's time for something new. Read Full Review

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