Matt Fraction and Barry Kitson are pure magic together. Breaking them up is a crime. After reading The Ultimates 3 #2, this book solidifies more contempt towards the decision making at Marvel Comics. How Marvel can cancel a series like this after issue #10 – a title which offers more realism and better storytelling than the Ultimates 3 ever could, is a mystery to me. Read Full Review
The Order's cancellation was disheartening yesterday, and today after reading issue #7 it's nearly outrageous. But if this becomes the biggest mark The Order leaves in the Marvel Universe, it'll be enough. Read Full Review
So, a lacklustre plot (which resolves itself a little too conveniently), a lack of focus on its core cast, and a less visually interesting subject than usual all contribute to a below-par issue for a book which now has the shadow of cancellation hanging over it. Whilst it won't prevent me from buying the last three issues, this installment couldn't have come at a worse time for The Order, and has sadly compounded the disappointment that I've been feeling due to the knowledge that the book only has a few months left to run. Read Full Review