The Thing: Freakshow #4
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The Thing: Freakshow #4

Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: Scott Kolins Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
9.0User Rating

The Thing faces off against the Kree who has turned Istvan against him! Ben is invited to join the freak show – will he say yes?

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Sep 26, 2002

    A big, bombastic finish to this miniseries that I found mildly enjoyable, but given the strength of the early issues, I have to say that I'm a bit disappointed by this issue's focus on it's wafer thin plot, while the characterization that made the previous issues so enjoyable going out the window. Now I'll admit I got a kick out of Ben's beleaguered status in this adventure, and the slugfest happy fanboy in me found sections of this issue quite entertaining. Geoff Johns also deserves credit for keeping Ben's sense of humor intact, as in spite of his gruff demeanor, one has to smile when Ben's laying into the Watchers for their "johnny come lately" behavior. Still, the battle between the Kree & the Skrull is a old chestnut of an idea, and this miniseries did little to convince me that this plot still has any legs to speak of, as even the story itself seems to grow bored of the idea, with the Kree heading for the hills rather quickly. Read Full Review

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