The mighty Thor has been exiled from Asgard. Without his allies at his side, the wounded and isolated God of Thunder discovers that time does not heal all wounds…especially when it’s the Egyptian pantheon bearing the grudge!! Seth! Grog! The enemies from Thor’s past have returned…and they are howling for revenge, ready to exploit Thor’s misery and finish him off once and for all. Don’t miss this action-packed, Midgard-shattering annual! All this and a reprint of Journey Into Mystery #83 remastered with modern coloring! Rated T …$3.99
For some reason Grindberg reminded me of David Laphams work on the old Valiant comic books. This book really had a Valiant feel to it, but with a different colour scheme. But thats not a problem for this reviewer and he rendered Thor and Donald Blake quite well this issue. The backgrounds drawn are all detailed and add to the context of the story. Read Full Review
If you're absolutely desperate for a Thor fix while Marvel gets ready to release the last JMS issues, this annual might do the job. If you ask me, though, I'd recommend rereading some back issues instead. Read Full Review
Overlong and emotionally thin, this felt like a poor use of the Annual format and worse a poor use of the title character. Read Full Review
"Thor" annual #1 fills in an unexplored area of Thor's psyche after killing his grandfather and provides the return of Seth, both great ideas, but they're executed in the bland, boring fashion that one would expect from an annual. Ultimately, this issue is forgettable. Read Full Review