Thunderbolts #154

Writer: Jeff Parker Artist: Declan Shalvey Publisher: Marvel Comics Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 4
7.9Critic Rating
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Before he was pressed into service for the Thunderbolts, the mysterious swamp monster of the team knew another life: as guardian for a force of nature called The Nexus of Realities. An old friend of the creature does remember this - and breaks the silent one out of The Raft to return to duty at the borders of our world. What danger awaits the Man-Thing - and what will The Thunderbolts say to losing their favorite plant?

  • 8.5
    IGN - Mar 2, 2011

    If you couldn't tell by now, I loved this issue. With excellent story pacing, characterization, dialogue, and art, fans of the Thunderbolts need to pick this up. While it has little significance to the overall story of the Thunderbolts, much like Ghost's issue (Thunderbolts #151), it does help to give background to a mysterious member of the team and give further cohesion to the team's whole. If Jeff Parker decided to do one-and-done issues like this for every major member of the team it could go a long way to giving credence to this Thunderbolts team in the long run. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Dean Stell Mar 2, 2011

    Probably a lot of readers could have used a little more background on the Man-Thing and this fun story gives us that background without resorting to boring exposition. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Ryan K. Lindsay Mar 4, 2011

    "Thunderbolts" is the cool kid of the Marvel publishing playground. It stands on its own, does its own thing, and everyone else wants to be its friend or just be it. Man-Thing has long been a draw for this title and yet often relegated to the background. This issue gives him the spotlight and you won't be disappointed. The story might be quick but the characterisation is spot on. Jump on this one to sample the title or enjoy the hell out of it as a regular, that's win-win comics. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Major Spoilers - George Chimples Mar 8, 2011

    This issue isn't a great jumping-on point, so unless you've been reading Thunderbolts or are a big Man-Thing fan, it's not essential. It's a little too conventional for that. But it is further evidence that Jeff Parker and Declan Shalvey are creating one of the best, most consistently entertaining books that Marvel is putting out right now. At $2.99, this book deserves a look from anyone who likes reading good superhero comics. Thunderbolts #154 contains three extradimensional hunters, two spears through chests, one giant gecko, one shotgun to the face, and one immolation, in addition to two bblams, one kraack, later out done by a krraackk, a rrmmmmmrr, a hraaoonk, a hhssssss, a scrhrrsssh, and finally, a bronkbronkbronk. Read Full Review

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