Ultimate Civil War: Spider-Ham #1
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Ultimate Civil War: Spider-Ham #1

Writer: J. Michael Straczynski Artist: Various Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 2
3.5Critic Rating
6.0User Rating

  • 4.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Feb 4, 2007

    I was never a Spider-Ham fan during the parody character's heyday a decade or two ago, but when I saw Mike Wieringo's sharp and funny cover and learned that he would contribute to the interiors as well, I just had to pick it up. Man, I wish they'd found someone else to render a more disappointing cover so as to prevent temptation, because this book, though somewhat diverting, is ultimately disappointing. The book opens with a promising six-page sequence in which Spider-Ham realizes he's lost his thought balloons. It's a cute commentary on a shift in storytelling in the medium and the darker tone that's enveloped the super-hero genre. If only that clever riff had continued beyond those initial pages. What follows is a series of short segments and pinups that recasts various Marvel figures - from the iconic to the slightly more obscure, such as the protagonist from The 'Nam - as porcine figures as well. To my surprise, there's nothing in the way of a Civil War parody to be found in this Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Comics Bulletin - David Wallace Feb 2, 2007

    There's barely a joke in sight, and for a comic which is meant to be a light bit of fluff to go for panels (or even pages) at a time without laughs is pretty unforgivable. It's as though someone came up with the idea of doing a Spider-Ham comic but couldn't be bothered to actually make something interesting out of it. It's a painful misfire of an issue, and the fact that almost all of the pin-up art which comprises half of the book has already been previewed online should remove any reason to buy it, even for die-hard Spider-Ham fans (if such a thing exists). If Straczynski wanted to write a humorous comic, maybe he should have tried to come up with some original or wacky concepts to make it fun (or hey, even some good jokes?) as a story about a bewildered soul suffering from a drought of good ideas seems to be a bit too close to the truth. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Ultimate Goblin Sep 23, 2021

    Well, there was a good beginning, it was at least funny, but after a few pages this comic became something like a senseless slideshow... There was a good art on half of the pages, but I can't even say, that there was a story. Very bad.

    Also I didn't understand why "Ultimate". There was nothing from that universe...

  • 10
    John Pomoli May 5, 2023

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