MOST DANGEROUS GAME PART 2 While the X-Men arrive on Krakoa to aid a mutant trapped in a game where contestants hunt mutants on the island, the longest surviving prey, Longshot, now becomes the object of the ultimate gamesman - Arcade!
The one nice thing about the Ultimate titles is that the artists are often afforded the opportunity to redesign the looks of various Marvel characters, and I have to say that while I wasn't overly impressed by it in the opening chapter, I'm starting to warm to Longshot's new look, and I rather enjoy the idea that his eye flashes in order to sell the idea that his luck is about to change. As for the new design that Arcade is sporting, I have to confess I miss the 1970's disco suits, but given Brian K. Vaughan is trying to deliver a more serious version of the character, it's probably for the best that he's sporting a more conventional look. The art also does some solid work on the action sequences, as there's a real sense of urgency to the battle, with the scene where Nightcrawler falls victim to Arcade's attack being a particularly effective moment. The final page also offers up a fun visual moment for Longshot fans. Read Full Review