Uncanny X-Men Annual #11

Writer: Chris Claremont Artist: Alan Davis Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 0 User Reviews: 1
N/ACritic Rating
8.0User Rating

An alien creature that is superior to all of their powers combined captures the X-Men. Very few have the ability to make the X-Men surrender, but "Horde" does it easily…the question remains, will they find a way out of this one?

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  • 8.0
    TSMack Jun 29, 2024

    (Cover Date: November, 1987)

    Summary: Horde easily overpowers the X-Men, Captain Britain & Meggan. He coerces them to steal the Crystal of Ultimate Vision from the Citadel of Light & Shadow by threatening to destroy the world. After Horde transports them to the Citadel, each member of the team is faced with their greatest desire. Wolverine is the only one left in the end. Horde kills him, but Wolverine is resurrected by the Crystal from a drop of blood. Wolverine kills Horde & resists the power of the Crystal. He destroys the Crystal. Everyone is back in the mansion with a fleeting memory of what happened. Unknown to them, the Crystal is a test of a race's maturity. Thanks to Wolverine, humanity has passed its test by denying its more

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