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White Tiger #6

Writer: Tamora Pierce, Timothy Liebe Artist: Alvaro Rio, Ronaldo Silva Publisher: Marvel Comics Critic Reviews: 2
7.5Critic Rating
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  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Sep 22, 2007

    I was delighted to have encountered The White Tiger, Tamora Pierce's and Timothy Liebe's writing as well as Phil Briones', Don Hilsman's, Chris Sotomayor's, Alvaro Rio's and Ronaldo Silva's artwork. I hope this isn't the end of The White Tiger. Perhaps the sales of the trade paperback will sway Marvel to back Liebe and Pierce to continue The White Tiger's prowling. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Sep 10, 2007

    Theres an anti-climax of sorts when her major foe for this mini, Cobra, escapes (he deserves a major beatdown) and Pierce/Liebe even set up some subplots with the vile Omega Red. Not sure if well ever see that happen, but at least this series has succeeded in making a case for a new street fighting angel protecting her borough of New York. The story will read well in trade though it doesnt really come to an end, as the heroine and her flashy allies win only a battle, but not the war. I hope the trade includes all six gorgeous Mack covers, or that he does a new one for it. Read Full Review

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