Wolverine #900
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Wolverine #900

Writer: Marc Bernardin Artist: Jake Bilbao Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: May 12, 2010 Cover Price: $4.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 2
5.5Critic Rating
6.8User Rating

X-Man. Avenger. Soldier. And that's just the HALF of it. In this atomic-sized special, superstar David Finch leads a platoon of comic's most talented creators in giving the Canadian killer a 21-gun salute. Ninjas, bar-room brawls, Morlocks and pirates (yes, PIRATES!): this issue sees the most marvelous mutant of all put through the paces. And if five-all new tales of Snikt-tastic action wasn't enough, there's classic reprints featuring some of Logan's greatest hits! New & Reprint/Parental Advisory …$4.99

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Bin - Herv St-Louis May 28, 2010

    This issue is an anthology of new and old Wolverine stories providing readers with a greater insight into the Canadian mutant. The question is was it necessary. I dont know where the number #900 came from. They could have called this Wolverine Annual Volume something and be done with it. The stories read like those from an annual. Nothing groundbreaking, some reprints and touchy goody stories that show the mellow part of the protagonist. The stories are not bad at all, but nothing worth remembering. And this is whats wrong with how Marvel Comics markets Wolverine. They put him in every book to boost sales and write the most ridiculous stories and fans like you and I support them by buying sub-quality material because Wolverines in it. The artwork is all over the place in terms of quality and most of it is not the type I like. The story with the Morlocks in particular, looks amateurish. But for Wolverine fans may appreciate the diversity of portrayals in this issue. You can definitely p Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Vine - Zack Freeman May 13, 2010

    I'm still kind of puzzled as to what the reasoning is behind this issue's numbering. It's not a spoof of an anniversary specials like Deadpool's was. This was something that would once be an annual or a X-Men Unlimited issue. Either way, it's a mixed bag, like any anthology. There are some good ones and there are some not-so-good ones. There was notably a bit of redundancy in the plots - - at least three stories out of six or seven about Wolverine picking fights in bars. Be aware, too, that there are a few segments that are reprints of recent stories, so you might be double-dipping. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    IGN - Kevin Fuller May 13, 2010

    In the end, Wolverine #900 is about what you'd expect. One or two stories offer some entertaining moments, but the rest are absolutely bland and rarely get beyond the well-worn Wolverine clichs. I understand the need to charge extra ($4.99) for an issue that spans 104 pages, but I can't in good conscience recommend this comic to anyone that isn't a Wolverine fanatic who just received a huge income tax refund. That's probably not the biggest segment of the comic buying population. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comic Book Resources - James Hunt May 16, 2010

    Those two aside, the extremes of quality are largely avoided, with the middle-ground well-trodden. But then, it's an anthology, that's what they do. Due to the range of stories, I expect any reader will find at least one they love, but for $4.99 for one 8/12 page short isn't really enough for me. Presumably it's enough to entertain the legions of Wolverine fans out there, but unless you're one of them, there's nothing here that screams "must buy." Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Ultimate Goblin Dec 3, 2022

    There are 3 new stories, a couple of digital comics printed for the first time and some other reprints. It's pretty big. However, these new stories either just OK, or boring. The art is so-so too. Only David Finch was great. Reprints are not bad, to be honest. There's also that story were Wolverine had a dream of an Ultimate-him being torn by half by the Hulk... I always wondered where was this from and now I finally know that it's from the 50th issue of the 3rd volume...

  • 7.0
    tonpas1989 May 13, 2021

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