Reality star Chris Cosentino tells a tale about Wolverine and food like only a Top Chef Master can!Adamantium claws meet steel kitchen knives in a culinary caper starring your favorite
Oh yeah, the art is good too (they got Wolverine's costume exactly right, which is the most important thing). It looks good. They did a good job. Read Full Review
I don't know what any of this comic meant. It was the worst type of fan fiction: characters not acting like themselves in order to talk about how awesome a Mary Sue, Chris Consentino in this case, is. "Wolverine in the Flesh" should've just stayed in Consentino's headspace and not had money spent on its production. The only possible joy you could derive from this comic is being Chris's creative writing professor and finally being able to give him the C- he needed to just pass your class and never retake it. I honestly would not be half as harsh on this comic if it were just a bad comic, but Consentino's boorish personality oozes onto every page and attacks anyone, vegetarian or not, who might want to give him a fair chance. This is a weak comic book written by someone who should stick to cooking and illustrated by someone who should keep this title on theirrsumin point one font. Read Full Review