AVX TIE-IN! Frenzyβs past is revealed as she ties up loose ends while the war between the Avengers and the X-Men rages on.
The premise for building Frenzy's character in this issue is pretty convoluted, leading to a story in which the incremental gains made in our understanding of Frenzy are undercut by the lack of focus in the larger debate over might versus right. It is unlikely that Gage intended to advocate that violence is okay as long as a person is doing it of their own volition, but it's entirely possible for the reader to come away with that impression. Due to the inelegant presentation of the themes in this story, a dearth of innovation in Frenzy's backstory, and a total lack of any impact on the Avengers versus X-Men story, it may be better to leave this one on the rack. Read Full Review
"X-Men Legacy" #268 is the least "X-Men" of any issue of this series since Gage took over. Focusing on the responsibility that is supposed to accompany power, this issue never really delivers a solid message. Instead, we find the characters wallowing between thoughts and intents without ever committing fully to any one. Frenzy makes a statement toward the end of the issue, but it's rather dubious that anything will come of it. Without a hard stance on the issues at hand, "X-Men Legacy" #268 is simply another comic tie-in to the latest event, instantly forgettable when it could have been so much more. Read Full Review