Issue #4 goes long way in firming up this book. It's been "good" up to this point, but now that the plot elements are paying off, the ranking has moved up to "Damn good." Marc Guggenheim knows what he's doing, and he's got an art team that gets better together with each outing. Yes, you're being teased, but what fun is a story where everything is laid out at the beginning? Did I say something is amiss in the X-world? I'm mistaken: everything is right on track. Read Full Review
But after four issues, it's still difficult to tell exactly what status quo will develop. Guggenheim is putting a lot of faith in the readers to care about what happens next, and without clearly-defined characters to ground the series, I'm not sure that they will. Read Full Review
Young X-Men got off to a rough start, but if the conclusion of the first arc in the next issue pays off as it should, this series could finally begin to live up to its potential. Read Full Review
I know, that's a lot of words to say something's bad, but is there anything to feel optimistic about? The answer is a qualified yes. The only light on the horizon is that nothing is set in stone yet. We still haven't seen the full team. We still don't know what the long-term plot of the series is going to be, so there's still hope Guggenheim finds the right character and plot mix. The only thing that keeps me from believing that will happen is that most of the problems are how he's telling the story rather than the story itself. Read Full Review