Powers Vol. 2 #4

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Michael Avon Oeming Publisher: Marvel Icon Critic Reviews: 1
8.0Critic Rating
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  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Sep 11, 2004

    Michael Avon Oeming turns in a simplistic looking style that is a bit deceptive, as when one takes the time to study the page there's actually an impressive amount of detail on the page. The art also deserves full marks for its ability to clearly detail the key elements of the story, as there's a great little scene where we see the items that let Walker know they are dealing with a criminal who can phase through solid objects. There's also a wonderful moment of visual deception with the scene where Walker storms the basement, and we're momentarily led to believe that he's located his missing partner. There's also a wonderfully chilling moment where we see the shadow of Pilgrim's captor moves across her face, as it's a simple, but highly effective visual. I have also have to make mention of the book's cover, as it's a clever visual touch that neatly details the idea that Pilgrim is in grave danger from a super-powered threat. Read Full Review

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