Supreme Power #8

Writer: J. Michael Straczynski Artist: Gary Frank Publisher: Marvel Max Release Date: March 3, 2004 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 1
8.5Critic Rating
9.0User Rating

Witness the world-shaking first battle between Hyperion & Dr. Spectrum! Until now, Hyperion didn't know of Dr. Spectrum's existence. Now, he's on the business end of a serious display of power!

  • 9.0
    Comics Bulletin - Iain Burnside Mar 5, 2004

    All in all it is the eighth home run Straczynski and Frank have hit in a row, and long may it continue. Hopefully the release of the first six issues in a TPB will help draw more people to this title because if dross like Austen's Uncanny X-Men, unintentioned failures like Azarello's Batman and running-on-empty fillers like Straczynski's Amazing Spider-Man can continue to clog up the top end of the sales charts, this book will need all the help it can get in getting them. Perhaps losing the Marvel MAX rating would help them? This issue certainly didn't need it, as there where only a couple of swear words that could quite easily have been edited out. Anything involving Nighthawk would be a different matter altogether of course, but I'm sure they could find a way! No matter what, I hope they don't cancel this book any time soon. I demand my Supreme Power, and so should you! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Mar 10, 2004

    The big fight wasn't nearly as much fun as I'd been hoping for, but it does act a solid display of the power levels of both combatants, and by the end I found myself convinced that if the fight had continued there would've been a definite winner, which isn't something one can say too often about a fight between two heroes. The second half of the issue manages to make one openly question whether the term "hero" is one that one would use to describe Hyperion, as the character has become increasingly scary, as we see he's slowly coming to the realization that he's more powerful than the people seeking to control him, and one has to love his growing sense of resentment as he steadily becomes aware that the people he takes orders from may not have his best interests at heart. There's also a couple interesting moments that managed to nicely show us Hyperion is different from normal humans, as his reaction to Joe Ledger's first attack was an unexpected development. The scene where he becomes Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Storm Winterfyre Aug 28, 2020


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