The Destroyer #4

Publisher: Marvel Max Release Date: July 1, 2009 Critic Reviews: 2
5.5Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

  • 6.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Kyle Posluszny Jul 6, 2009

    If you like seeing Destroyer living up to his name, then be sure to check out the latest issue of Robert Kirkman's MAX mini-series. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Jul 22, 2009

    It's an oddly introspective issue-ender for a character that seems to be all about two-fisted attitude, doesn't it? This series has a lot going for it, not the least of which is the breakneck action movie pacing (something Kirkmand and Walker have down to a science by now) and the complicated family subplots but it suffers from the same failings that cripple a lot of limited, and especially a lot of Marvel's limiteds: Odds are that it will all be forgotten in six months. Indeed, this seems to take place in a corner of Marvel continuity that doesn't even feel like the Marvel U, and no matter how much fun it is, it comes across as a cotton candy trifle, entertaining while the sugar buzz is on, but hardly nutritious enough to live off of. Cory Walker's art is quite fun, and the design of the monstrous KRAKOOM (is that a shout-out?) is creative and disturbing, and Kirkman does good things with the family dialogues throughout the issue. And yet... there's a nagging sense that so Read Full Review

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