In the Shadow of No Towers #1
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In the Shadow of No Towers #1

Writer: Art Spiegelman Artist: Art Spiegelman Publisher: Pantheon Release Date: July 4, 2018 Critic Reviews: 2
8.8Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

  • 9.6
    Graphic Policy - pharoahmiles Jul 8, 2018

    Overall, one artists exploration of the world before and after 9/11, and how we get here. The stories as told by Spiegelman, is intense, funny, irreverent, thought provoking and brilliant. The art by Spiegelman, is alluring, evocative and vivid. Altogether, a book which both challenges and entertains in ways which our politically correct world tends to course correct before the point is made. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Sep 11, 2007

    Spiegelman's storytelling and editorializing comes off as both sharp and focused and oddly frenetic and scattered all at the same time. He merges different concepts, criticisms and visual styles all in the same sequences, and it works incredibly well. The attention-deficit approach to the visual ranting drives home the enormity of the issues to which the 9-11 attacks have given rise, not to mention the artist's frustration. His frustration is something to which any rational personal can relate, but one also has to give Spiegelman significant credit for sharing so much of himself here. He not only rants about government corruption and the public's willful blindness to major issues, but he exposes his own foibles and failings, such as his paranoia about what we don't know about the attacks and possible and improbable conspiracies. Read Full Review

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