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Unique #1

Writer: Dean Motter Artist: Dennis Calero Publisher: Platinum Studios Critic Reviews: 1
6.0Critic Rating
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  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Matthew McLean Apr 2, 2007

    All of this, though, needs something to tie it together, and thats where Unique fails in the first issue. Not in the explanation, itself, which is interesting. I wont get into it; youll just have to buy the book. However, the delivery for the explanation breaks uniformity with the rest of the comic. As mentioned before, much of the book relies on showing the reader the world as Jon sees it and allowing us to draw our own conclusions. Unfortunately, the explanation for all of this is pretty much spoon fed to the reader. Its disappointing after all the build up to have what seems to be the answer just handed to you. Regardless, Unique is a good read and has enough twists that the ending explanation may not be the explanation at all. Read Full Review

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