Another great read from the Atomic Robo team. Fleshes out the villains of the piece, introduces a new character and puts Robo in some real conflict that shows he's not invincible. Read Full Review
Clevinger understands where all the clichs are and nimbly avoids them with smart sharp dialogue, tight pacing, flawless execution and an easygoing charm you cant fake. Wegeners art is distinctive and fun packed with clever detail but still looking like a super cool Saturday morning cartoon. Atomic Robo has quickly jumped to the top of my favorites list. I cant really recommend this book highly enough. Even though the main character is a robot, this book has a heart. Read Full Review
Outside of a slow start and a back-up story that was neither entertaining nor well drawn, this issue still manages to be quite a bit of fun. As soon as Robo confronts his targets, Clevinger's trademark humor kicks into gear, and the subsequent two-thirds of the issue easily make up for any faults of this particular book. Read Full Review