Forgetless #1
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Forgetless #1

Writer: Nick Spencer Artist: Marley Zarcone, W. Scott Forbes, Jorge Coelho Publisher: Shadowline Release Date: December 22, 2010 Critic Reviews: 3
7.7Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Sacks Dec 22, 2010

    One day, when Nick Spencer has as many graphic novels on the shelf as Ed Brubaker, and you feel like you know his unique writing quirks inside-out--you may look back on this book as a bit of crazy youthful indiscretion. You will remember it as one last bit of Spencers out-and-out youthful rebellion before he settled down a bit. For right now, though, as we prepare for the arrival of 2011, it's an awesome ride from the industrys Next Big Thing. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Dec 13, 2009

    This is a series worthy checking out, as it seems like the kind of story that could take off out of nowhere. I enjoyed the first issue and its not because I identify with teenagers, but I like that the story makes me pay attention and hides pieces of the story within things like tweets and by telling the story backwards. This is a fun comic book to pick up. I definitely recommend it. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Dec 20, 2009

    Scott Forbes's art on the first story looks a bit like a cross between the styles of Joshua (NYX) Middleton and Michael Avon (Powers) Oeming, and his colors certainly capture a slightly seedy tone for the world in which the characters exist. Marley Zarcone's work on the second story immediately put me in mind of the style of Becky (Demo) Cloonan and, to a lesser extent, Ryan (Local) Kelly. The artist does a great job of conveying the characters' youth and attitude, and the style seems well-suited for the slice-of-life appeal of the story. Read Full Review

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