Sanctuary #1
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Sanctuary #1

Writer: Stephen Coughlin Artist: Stephen Coughlin Publisher: Slave Labor Graphics Release Date: September 14, 2012 Critic Reviews: 1
8.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Part Lost, Part Island of Dr. Moreau and part Jungle Book, Sanctuary is a comic book series by Stephen Coughlin. A mysterious research station on a secluded island houses a game reserve/sanctuary where the animals seem to be just a tad smarter than the human researchers observing them. The arrival of a Panda bear threatens to upset the delicate balance of life for everyone involved. Sanctuary has a cute and amusing exterior which surrounds a dark and deep adventure.

  • 8.0
    ComicList - Brandon Borzelli Sep 8, 2012

    The first five issues for this series is out so you can certainly catch up quickly. It seems impossible to read the first issue and not want to pick up the second just based on the cliffhanger. With a low introductory price it seems like an easy decision to pick this book up and give it a try. I definitely recommend checking this comic book out. Read Full Review

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