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Nepotism #1

Artist: See Below Publisher: Spleenland Productions Critic Reviews: 1
4.0Critic Rating
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  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Jul 16, 2003

    This comic is certainly a visually impressing first effort, as there's a wonderful mix of art styles to be found in this book, from the highly realistic work we see in "Fought Over", to the highly endearing cartoonish work we see in "The Question". The quality of the product is also quite apparent, with the card-stock cover, and the high quality paper, which really allows the black & white art to look its best. However, from a story telling sense I found the material was trying a little too hard to come across as intellectual, that it ignored the basic principals of telling its stories. I guess what I'm trying to say here is that too often in this comic the ideas that were being offered up were lost in the translation, which resulted in a comic that was at times quite frustrating. Still, it's certainly worth a look for the art alone, and there were a couple moments when the writing did manage to capture my interest. Read Full Review

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