Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor

Doctor Who: The Twelfth Doctor

Publisher: Titan Books Release: Oct 2014 - Dec 2015 Issues: 16 Collected Volumes: 8 Critic Reviews: 47  User Reviews: 26
7.7 Avg. Critic Rating
9.3 Avg. User Rating

As the eighth series of Doctor Who hits BBC America, don't miss the stunning debut of the twelfth Doctor's all-new comics adventures! Freshly regenerated and with a new head full of unanswered questions, the Doctor whisks Clara Oswald away to a strange and distant world. Clara thought she was in for an evening of marking essays, followed by a date, if things went well. Instead, she's facing down murderous alien fauna in her best dress, without a clue what the Doctor is searching for, or what is going to try to kill them should they find it! Offering shocks, surprises, and timestream-shaking revelations, don't miss your chance to get on board more

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